


The most comprehensive program for generating

consistent income using option spreads 

(even if you’ve never traded an option before) 

Special Price Ends In


The Options Paycheck™️ Experience is the only implementation program of its kind that teaches the secret to generating consistent income with options. It shows you exactly how to find, set-up and manage option spreads to generate income AND how to do it safely and consistently in any market condition, so you never fear running out of money. 

We’ve used this system for years with our clients & it’s averaged an additional 3% of income per month. (That’s an extra 36% per year!)

Before We Tell You All About This Life-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For… 

You’re a dedicated, hard-working investor who’s tired of spending a lot of time & energy and not having the results to match, and is ready to create an income stream that gives you more time, money & freedom that allows you to continue living the lifestyle you enjoy & take care of the ones you love.

Whether you’re… 

  • A retiree whose lack of a steady paycheck has caused you to scale back your lifestyle and knows that the stock market is the best source of extra income
  • A corporate employee looking forward to the day you can stop working (hopefully sooner than later) and wants to build up that nest egg at a faster rate
  • A seasoned investor who wants to add another tool to your investing toolbox 

You’re in the right place and we’re going to tell you exactly how the Options Paycheck™️ Experience will give you the tools, training and unparalleled support on your journey to creating a new income stream using options. 

By the end of this program,

you will:

  • Know exactly how calls and puts work (along with all the fancy terms) so you no longer have to fear options
  • Have clear signals telling whether to place a Bullish or a Bearish trade and when to place NO TRADE
  • Quickly identify the stocks that make the best candidates for your option income trades using a rules-based approach which frees up time in your life
  • Set-up an income trade so it gives you a 70% or better success rate. (even if you’ve never traded an option before) 
  • Have a trade management game plan in place PRIOR to placing your trade so you know how to handle any situation the market throws at you
  • Confidently enter and exit trades with your broker like a pro whether it’s your first trade or five hundredth trade
  • Implement a system that allows you to safely & consistently generate income so you can begin to live the lifestyle you want without fear you’ll run out of money
David Y

“I wish I had of heard of Ron Wheeler about $25,000 ago that I have spent on classes, webinars and courses. I have listened to a lot of teachers and in my opinion Ron is the best teacher of options. I have never been taught to trade options in such a mechanical way that not only is an easy method to follow, but gives you confidence that you can make the trade and if it goes against you to know exactly what to do.”

- David Y

“Prior to the course, I had no options experience at all, or how to even trade them.

After taking the Options Paycheck, I can trade several different option strategies with confidence and feel my knowledge, choices and skills have been greatly improved.

I have made back the initial investment so many times over. Even though it’s a small part of my portfolio, it’s probably the most profitable.

The course gave me a totally new avenue of income generation, which is great! I now manage a proportion of my funds in a different manner. I feel more confident that I can generate income separate from my growth portfolio. This has made me feel more relaxed about my future and more in control."

- Cam M

Cam M

Enroll in The Options Paycheck™️ Experience Today



$995 webinar special


See what our alumni are saying about the Options Paycheck™️ Experience


"I have really surpassed my expectations! I don’t need the money back guarantee because I tripled my investment…"

- Cheryl M

Bruce H video

"I grew my account from $100K to $452K in 3 ½ years!"

- Bruce H

Frank V

"After taking the course, I already have a profit of $7,300. Before the course, it was a crap shoot. Now I believe in the options trade I’m doing."

- Frank V

Cam M

"I have made back the initial investment so many times over. Even though it’s a small part of my portfolio, it’s probably the most profitable."

- Cam M

Hugh M

"I have initiated 43 trades with 38 winners. I am up $26,799 in four months! I am having more fun. I am more confident and I have more free time!"

- Hugh M

Jake P

"I finally found a method of making consistent winning trades with a high probability of success."

- Jake P

What’s Inside 

The Options Paycheck™️ Experience


Module 01

Option Foundation Builder

  • A lot of people try to build a successful income portfolio, but they base the portfolio on a weak foundation of knowledge. It’s like trying to build a skyscraper with a foundation that is 6 inches deep in sand. If you do that, everything comes crashing down. 
  • We totally understand what it’s like to learn options for the first time. We’ve been there. That’s why it pays to learn from a team who’s gone through this before. We know the terminology that’s important to focus on and what you should ignore. If you don’t know that, learning options can feel like learning a foreign language. 
  • We’ll simplify options for you. The outcome you get in Module 1 is you will know exactly how calls & puts work so you can confidently use them in your trades, and you’ll know which terms to pay attention to and which to ignore so you don’t waste time or get frustrated. 
  • Highlights: 

  • Learn the 4 Building Blocks that make up all option trades. Understanding these building blocks will be like turning on a flood light in a dark room. The foundation will be laid, which will allow you to start understanding even complex option trades. 
  • Focus on the most important terms. Just like a flashlight’s beam gets brighter the more you focus it on a single point, your confidence using options will increase the more you focus on the most important terms.  

Module 02

Selling Spreads – How It Works

  • An option spread?!?! What on earth is that? It can be intimidating when you hear those new terms and unfortunately it scares many investors away from using options and the amazing income potential they provide. 
  • It’s not that they don’t want to use options. They just get overwhelmed by a new trade and the process of selling something BEFORE they buy it. So, they just stick to the basic income strategies their used to like dividends. 
  • Fortunately, it’s not difficult especially the way we’ll teach it to you in Module 02. Using simple terms and visual examples, we’ll demonstrate what a spread is and how it works.
  • Meaning, you’ll be filled with confidence to start building an income system around this powerful new trade. 
  • Highlights: 

  • Learn how options are combined into one trade to make a spread (your income generating trade!) 
  • How to have more winners than losers by taking advantage of probability. (Hint: You’ll be able to WIN even if you are wrong on direction!) 
  • Learn how to reduce the risk on your income trade even lower than buying a dividend stock or doing a covered call. 

Module 03

Market Direction – When To Trade 

  • Now that you have constructed a solid foundation of options knowledge, it’s time to lay out the step-by-step system to placing income trades to generate your Options Paycheck. Each step along the way STACKS PROBABILITY in your favor AND reduces risk. It all starts with knowing When To Trade. 
  • Here you’ll get complete clarity on Market Trends. Instead of looking at all possible trades, you’ll narrow your focus. You’ll know whether to place a bullish trade or a bearish trade and even when not to trade. 
  • Highlights: 

  • Markets are not random, nor do they always go up. They have uptrends and downtrends. You’ll learn how to identify these trends, so you know exactly what type of trade to place at any point in time. 
  • Morning? Mid-day? Near Market Close? You’ll learn the ideal time of day to trade to get the best results. 

Module 04

Stock Selection – What To Trade

  • After you know the direction of the market, you want to find stocks that are highly likely to move in the same direction of the market. (Notice, this stacks more probability in your favor!) 
  • This is important because you don’t want to be wasting hours of your life digging around looking for trades. 
  • Just trading the stocks you know or listening to the gurus on TV is not the best choice for this. 
  • The outcome here is you’ll know how to quickly find the best stocks and indexes to trade that give you the highest probability. 
  • Highlights: 

  • Learn the exact characteristics to look at to identify the best candidates for your bullish and bearish trades. (No more guesswork or wondering “Did I pick the right one???”) 
  • How to avoid landmines that trip up other investors (Not You!!!) This is another way the risk on your trades gets lower and lower. 
  • Learn how to make your stock selection even simpler by trading indexes. 

Module 05

Option Selection – Narrow Your Candidates

  • Now that you’ve got a list of stocks, it’s time to narrow it down to the best option candidates that give you the highest probability for profits.  
  • It’s tempting to just pick a stock and place a trade. But without implementing the option selection strategies in Module 05, you won’t be getting paid as much as you should for your trade and won’t be selecting the highest probability trade. 
  • By using the rules in this module, you’ll make sure you’re getting paid top dollar for your trade and making it so you can make money even if the stock goes nowhere! 
  • Highlights: 

  • Get paid top dollar for your spreads by making volatility work for you 
  • How to select the right expiration so you are virtually receiving little mini deposits as each day passes 

Module 06

Trade Set-Up – Select The Best Trade

  • You continue to stack probability and reduce risk in Module 06 by the way you set up your trade. This is where you will really set yourself up for success.  
  • Here you’ll be like Goldilocks and make sure your trade has the perfect combination of risk to reward. You’ll know exactly where to set your strikes.
  • Great trades don’t happen by accident. They happen because of careful planning and strategically setting them up correctly from the beginning. 
  • Highlights: 

  • How to correctly set-up your option spread, so you go into a trade knowing you’ve got a high probability of winning 
  • Use our trade selection checklist to make sure your trade meets all the characteristics of a high probability & low risk trade. 
  • Select the right strikes so your trade gives you the perfect combination or risk to reward. 

Module 07

Trade Management – Your Game Plan

  • You’re almost there!  
  • You’ve got your high probability trade picked out and ready to go. Now you need to have your plan in place, so you know when to exit the trade. Even though most trades will be winners, not all of them will be. So, it’s important to have a plan to not only take profits, but to minimize losses. 
  • You will never be frozen like a deer in the headlights ever again. No matter what the market throws at you, you’ll know how to react which allows you to trade completely stress-free. 
  • Highlights: 

  • Learn the 5 key principles of managing your credit spreads so you can manage your trades like a seasoned professional 
  • Implement our 3-rule system so you clearly know when to take profits, when to take a loss and how to mitigate a trade to minimize your loss. 
  • Learn how many option contracts to trade for your specific account size so you control risk and maintain consistency. 

Module 08

Trade Execution – Entering Your Orders

  • This is it!
  • Now that you’ve found the best stock, set up a low-risk, high-probability option trade, and mapped out your management game plan, it’s time to place your trade! 
  • For some, this is the most exciting part. For others, it’s terrifying especially if entering an option trade with a broker is a new experience for you. 
  • Wherever you land on the spectrum, this module will break down the Trade Execution phase into simple, repeatable steps you will commit to muscle memory in no time. 
  • Highlights: 

  • How to place your trades with a broker to enter and exit the trade. (multiple broker examples used…we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ll show our favorite!) 
  • Place trades that execute even if you can’t be at the computer. (It’s so fun to be away from the computer and get a notification that a trade closed at profits!) 
  • Step-by-step checklists, so you place your trades confidently. Even if you’ve never placed an option trade before.  

When you enroll during this

special, limited time period, you’ll get: 


The Options Paycheck™️ Experience 

(A $1,990 Value) 

  • 8 Training Modules showing you literally EVERYTHING you need to do to create your very own income generation system using option spreads so you can retire with peace of mind without fear you’ll run out of money. 

  • The Options Foundation Builder to make sure you never fear options again. Instead, you will tame options and make them work for you. 

  • Professional trading strategies for the individual investor so you can reap all the same (and more) benefits of options as the hot shots on Wall Street. 

  • The Trade Selection Roadmap showing you how to find the best stock & option candidate in a fraction of the time it would take everyone else. (even the professionals) 

  • Trade Management Game Plan giving you simple, yet extremely effective, rules to follow so you can unemotionally manage your trades in any market situation. 

  • A complete, step-by-step trade checklist so you never miss a step, and you have extreme confidence that every trade you place is low-risk and has a high probability of winning. 

Plus These Bonuses

To Help You Implement Everything You Learn, Get Even Faster Results & Continue Getting Results After The Course


The Mastery Package

Module by Module Mastery Sessions Weekly Q&A’s Online Support Community PLUS Dedicated E-mail

Get help when you need it! Master the techniques taught in the course so you’re ready to place your first income trade in the shortest time possible.

($1,495 Value) 

What You’ll Get:

  • Live Mastery Sessions PLUS Weekly Q&A’s (12 total sessions!) - We’ll guide you through each module’s key principles, homework assignments & quizzes and make sure you get your questions answered so you can move forward with total clarity and confidence. If you can’t make a session, you can always submit questions in advance and watch the recording. We’ve got you covered! 
  • Private email address for students so you get help directly from our Options Paycheck team.
  • Access to VectorVest & OptionsPro Software – test drive the best tools on the planet to help you implement the Paycheck system.


Implementation Month 

Live Trading & Weekly Office Hours with Ron Wheeler 

($995 Value) 

What You’ll Get:

  • Access to our weekly Credit Spread Trading Session (4 total sessions!) – Watch Ron Wheeler find, select, set-up and place trades in real time! Plus, he’ll show you how he manages his existing trades each week. HUGE bonus! You’ll see the Paycheck system in action and can follow along in your own account! 
  • Live Office Hours twice a week (8 total sessions!) We’ll walk through the system step-by-step in real time. Our past students said this was one of their favorite parts of the course. Watching the repetition really helped cement the concepts and the process for them. 

When you add it all up, that’s a total real-world value of $5,475.

But, because we’re extremely excited to welcome you into The Options Paycheck™️ Experience, we’re giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special price of just…



$995 webinar special

Plus, You’ll be Backed by a Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee


Let me say this upfront. 

The Options Paycheck™️ Experience is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program for investors who are excited about and COMMITTED to starting an income generating system this year. 

We’ve built an amazing team to guide you every step of the way. The training, supplemental resources and the support are second to none. You will be in great hands. 

By the end of our 8 weeks together, you’ll have received access to all eight modules, had the opportunity to attend mastery sessions for any or all modules, attend our weekly Q&A’s, watched me place live trades for 4 weeks and ask questions during our weekly office hours sessions. 

Meaning, you’ll have had the opportunity to learn the entire Paycheck system, test it with your broker and see if it’s right for you BEFORE making a final commitment. 

If you don’t feel totally confident that we taught you the most amazing income trading opportunity (and in your ability to implement it), simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here =>>

Enroll in The Options Paycheck™️ Experience Today



$995 webinar special

Still “thinking about it”?

You should give the Options Paycheck™️ Experience a shot if you’re motivated by any of the following: 


You want to do the things you want… 

when you want to do them.

Whether you’re retired or getting close to it, you realize the paychecks you’ve been receiving for working will eventually stop. You’re fully aware that you may not have the income to live the lifestyle you want when you retire. 

You’d prefer not to have to scale back your current lifestyle in order to make ends meet. 

That’s why you’re motivated to invest the next couple months to set up a new income stream that can dramatically improve your standard of living when you retire and allow you the freedom to do the things you want to do.

You're ready to "put in the work."

You’ve spent your whole life working hard in your career. You’re no stranger to hard work. 

You appreciate that good things aren’t just handed out to people…good things come to people who put in the effort and deserve to reap the rewards. 

You’re no stranger to hard work. You just don’t want to waste your effort. 

And because the Options Paycheck™️ Experience is the most proven, refined and comprehensive program for generating consistent income with options, you have total confidence that every hour you invest in learning, practicing and creating your income stream will pay off dramatically in the coming months and years.

You recognize that this is the best offer you’ll ever get on the Options Paycheck™️ Experience.

You’d expect this type of step-by-step implementation program to sell for nearly 5x the investment. 

We’ve been in this business for over 30 years, and we’ve seen places charge $5,000 to $10,000 for options training that isn’t half as good nor complete.

When you factor in the retail price of the Options Paycheck™️ training program alone is $1,990 along with all the special launch bonuses, you’re unwilling to let this opportunity slip by. You’re not going to let a countdown timer decide what the next 8 weeks look like for you.

That’s all we got... 

If any of these motivating factors had you nodding your head, we insist that you start your Options Paycheck™️ Experience today with a risk-free shot.

Bruce H video

“Prior to VectorVest, I retired at age 50 after selling my business. I decided to fill the gap by getting into the market. I did some basic stock trading, but never really made any money. My trades ended up being emotionally based. I became interested in options and tried on my own. I lost money, became very discouraged and had lots of sleepless nights.

After taking Ron’s options classes, and following “The Rules,” things have been amazing. I grew my account from $100K to $452K in 3 ½ years! Most importantly, no more sleepless nights worrying about the opening bell the next day. I’ve always struggled with taking any kind of loss. Now, like a machine, I get out when the rules say to get out. It’s been a great run!

My wife and I are very involved with our church and other charities. The extra money comes in handy with helping others, visiting our children & grandchildren, and our travel. I feel very strongly about this program!” 

- Bruce H

I personally cannot wait to guide you over these next 8 weeks… 

Options trading, mainly selling options for income, has dramatically changed my life. 

I began as a trader back in 1997 and like most, I struggled. I experienced firsthand what it feels like to transition from a full-time trader who blew out more than one trading account, to spending sometimes as little as 15 minutes a week generating income that allows me and my family freedom to do the things we want to do. 

I want to share that with you. I understand the obstacles that are put in front of every investor. More importantly, I know what it takes to overcome those obstacles.  

If you’re an investor, trader, retiree, entrepreneur, or corporate employee of any kind, you owe it to yourself to at least take a risk-free plunge to see what your life as an option income trader looks like. 

To experience firsthand the time, money, security and financial freedom it provides you and the people you care the most about. 

Should you choose to accept my invitation, I personally guarantee that these next 8 weeks will be completely and utterly life-changing for you. 

I look forward to meeting you personally inside the Options Paycheck™️ Experience. 

All my best,

Ron Wheeler

Enroll in The Options Paycheck™️ Experience Today



$995 webinar special